
Now Available: “Incline My Heart”: Volume 2 in The Daily Search for Wondrous Things

I’m excited to share that Incline My Heart, Volume 2 in “The Daily Search for Wondrous Things” series of devotional books is now available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Thanks to DeWard Publishing for their willingness to take another step in the project.

Since 2008, I’ve been jotting down simple reflections on my daily Bible readings. I’ve tried to keep them brief, heartfelt, and practical in hopes that they might be of some encouragement to my daughters in the years to come. I never really had any intention of publishing them in books, but as the collection has grown (and I’ve arrived at that point in my life where I’m thinking more and more about what I can leave behind as a blessing to others), this series of devotionals has grown to feel like a real contribution I can make. More often than not, I’ve written with my daughters in mind and, if the Lord wills, their eventual children and grandchildren. The process has been an immeasurable blessing to me. Perhaps the fruit of the process will be a blessing to you as well.

As I mentioned in Volume 1 of the series, I’ve found praying Psalm 119:18 to be helpful any time I open God’s word—“Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law”—which is why we’ve called this series “The Daily Search for Wondrous Things.” But there is a goal for the beholding greater than idle notice, which is why Psalm 119:36 is also a great thing to pray—“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”

Each volume in the series provides three months’ worth of daily, practical encouragement with reflections that flow in a simple pattern:

  • Sundays: from the Psalms
  • Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays: from the Old Testament
  • Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays: from the New Testament

It LOOKS like delivery before Christmas and New Year’s shouldn’t be a problem, so if you’re looking for a daily dose of discipleship-fuel in 2024, maybe these simple reflections will help. Thanks to so many of you for the ongoing encouragement to keep writing. May these simple reflections help to incline your heart toward home.

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