
A Simple Perspective-Shaping Exercise for This Week

Our daily Bible reading schedule brings us to Psalm 124 today. It’s certainly worth reading all on its own, but could I encourage an additional step? What if we used Psalm 124:1 as a prompt to count our blessings this week? Maybe today has started off as a “down” day for you. Maybe you and your family are struggling to be as thankful and gracious as you ought to be. Maybe you just feel unfocused and distant in your walk with God. Could you use a simple exercise to broaden your perspective and bring your blessings into focus?

If it had not been the LORD who was on our side…

That’s how Psalm 124 begins. Descendants of Abraham were being encouraged from the outset of the psalm…

…let Israel now say—
if it had not been the LORD who was on our side…

…then to imagine the consequences and outcome. One thing is certain from reading the psalm: had the LORD not been on their side, the outcome wouldn’t have been pretty or pleasant.

So here’s my encouragement for you: at some point today, grab a piece of paper or turn to a new page in your journal or start a fresh note in your phone and write or type at the top:

If it had not been the LORD who was on my/our side…

…then take David’s 3,000-year-old call for reflection seriously. Just start thinking and making a list. “What if God hadn’t been there? What if he didn’t see or hear or know? What if he hadn’t cared? What if I had been all on my own? What would be different? What would be missing? But how has he helped me? How has he been there for us? In what ways has he made all the difference?” What a list you could have by the end of this week! What powerful prompts for prayer! How primed your heart will be for worship next Sunday!

Blessed be the LORD…

Our help is in the name of the LORD,
who made heaven and earth. (124:6, 8)

My aim is to make that very personal this week. I’ve got a whole lot of blessings to count and a whole lot of thanks to give. I invite you to do the same.

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