
Dealing With Foolishness

Are you a young parent? If so, today’s thought from Proverbs 22:15 has your name written all over it.

It’s not much of a stretch for me to speculate that you very well may see some form of “folly” or “foolishness” exhibited by your child at some point today. If not today, it won’t be long. Some forms of “foolishness” may be downright silly. There’s nothing wrong with learning to laugh with your children. But other forms of “foolishness,” by their very nature, call for quick and consistent discipline.

Young parent, remember this wise statement. “Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child.” You can rest assured that it will periodically show itself. It may rear its juvenile head at some point today.

Rebellion. Selfishness. Bitterness. Resentment. Thanklessness. Anger. Jealousy. Foolishness.

As that child’s parent, how will you respond? Will you be ready with a loving, but firm answer to teach the basics of maturity, respect for authority, and spiritual backbone?

God has entrusted you with such a precious gift. Do what you can to make sure that gift doesn’t grow up to be a “fool.” Don’t be afraid to use “the rod of discipline.” It just might save your child’s life, and most importantly, his or her soul.

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