Around the Web (3/21)

Yesterday was the spring equinox — one of the two days during the year when night is almost exactly equal to day. NASA helps us understand and visualize the phenomenon with this timelapse.

That’s one year in thirteen seconds. A geosynchronous satellite snapped an infrared image every day around 6:00 AM from September 2010 through September 2011, showing what the equinoxes and solstices look like from space and giving us a visual representation that explains why we have the seasons we do.

At the equinoxes, Earth’s “terminator” — the line between night and day — is perfectly vertical giving even light across both hemispheres. At the solstices, it is as diagonally oriented as it ever gets, providing more light and warmth to either the northern or southern hemisphere, depending on the month.

“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.” (Gen 8:22)

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