
When Am I Ready to be Baptized?

“When am I ready to be baptized?” It’s a common question that parents, grandparents, Bible class teachers, and mature Christians must be prepared to answer.

This sermon considers some important questions to help you uncover the answer.

  • “Do I recognize my need for a Savior?” (Matt 5:3; Heb 11:6)
  • “Am I sorry for what I’ve done against God?” (Matt 5:4; Psa 51:4; 2 Cor 7:9)
  • “Am I willing to become a participant with Jesus?” (Rom 6:1-11)
    • “To welcome Jesus as leader of my life?” (Matt 5:5; 2 Cor 5:10; Acts 5:31)
    • “To develop a hunger and thirst for righteousness?” (Matt 5:6; Heb 5:14)
    • “To declare my allegiance to Jesus?” (Rom 10:9; Matt 10:32)
    • “To answer the call to be holy?” (1 Pet 1:13-15)
    • “To worship?” (John 4:24; Rom 12:1-2)

This sermon also briefly addresses some common concerns:

  • “I’m not good enough yet.”
  • “What if I mess up and sin after I’ve been baptized?”
  • “Why now? Can’t I wait?”
  • “I’m not sure I know enough yet.”

This sermon was delivered on August 6, 2017.

For more sermons, visit the sermon archive.

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