
Will They Know?

Crowd of People

Ezekiel (“God will strengthen”) lived 600 years prior to the appearance of the Son of God on earth. When Ezekiel was 17, Nebuchadnezzar—mighty king of the Babylonian empire—invaded Ezekiel’s homeland and carried a great many Jews thousands of miles away into exile.

At 25, Ezekiel himself was forcibly removed from his home in Jerusalem, along with 10,000 other Jews, into Babylonian captivity.

Ezekiel was a married man (24:15-18). The “delight of his eyes” died in Babylon. Ezekiel was a priest of the LORD (1:3) and at age 30, he had a life-changing experience (Ezek 1).

In Ezekiel 2, this young “son of man” was commissioned by the great I AM:

  1. The nature of sin and its horrific consequences were made crystal clear (2:3-4).
  2. Whether people listened or not, the LORD expected Ezekiel to tell the truth (2:5; 3:16-21).
  3. As long as Ezekiel stood with God, he had nothing to fear (2:6-7).
  4. Every step of the way, Ezekiel would have a choice (2:8).

If Ezekiel fulfilled his calling, he could rest assured in at least one thing.

“And whether they hear or refuse to hear (for they are a rebellious house) they will know that a prophet has been among them.” (Eze 2:5)

“They will know.” What if we took that same principle and made it personal? What about the people we interact with day after day after day? “Will they know?” Will they know that someone…

  • Who reverently fears God has been among them?
  • In desperate need of a deliverer has been among them?
  • Who believes Jesus is the only hope for salvation has been among them?
  • Who handles Scripture as the authoritative word of God has been among them?
  • Who is unashamed of the gospel has been among them?
  • Who depends upon God as refuge and strength has been among them?
  • Who is determined to walk in the will of the Lord has been among them?
  • Who is a living sacrifice to God has been among them?
  • Who submits to God in all their ways has been among them?
  • Who is devoted to the Lord’s church has been among them?
  • Who believes in the power of prayer has been among them?
  • Who believes that God wins has been among them?
  • Who loves them has been among them?
  • Who wants God to get the glory has been among them?
  • Who is willing to ask for and extend forgiveness has been among them?
  • Who cares enough about them to tell the truth has been among them?

This sermon was delivered on December 13, 2015.

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