
The Most Valuable Education a Child Can Receive

The Most Valuable Education a Child Can Receive

Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States, boldly asserted that “a thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education.” Is that still true?

Our children and grandchildren are subject to all sorts of weighty influences. They are constantly being shaped, informed, pulled, and pushed in a variety of conflicting and life-altering directions. If they are to be shaped in ways our heavenly Father intends, it’s going to take very deliberate and focused effort on the part of parents, grandparents, and other caring adults.

It’s still true that a thorough knowledge of the Bible is absolutely priceless. The question is “How?” How does one acquire such a “thorough knowledge” of the Bible?

This sermon was delivered on May 18, 2014.

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