
Where There Are No Oxen


Three thousand years ago, Solomon wrote:

Where there are no oxen, the manger is clean,
__ but abundant crops come by the strength of the ox. (Prov 14:4)

Keeping and caring for an animal as big as an ox undoubtedly has its rough, unpleasant moments. But, an ox’s incredible strength is useful when it comes to plowing, turning a mill, or pulling a load. Wisdom’s simple point? Never acquire an ox and you’ll never have to clean up after it! On the other hand, neither will you be able to enjoy the benefits that can come as a result of feeding, caring for, and levering the strength of an ox.

This sermon considers some similar applications of the same wise principle.

Where there are no children, the auditorium is quiet,
__ but a heritage of faith is developed through the efforts of godly parents.

Where there are no infants in Christ, less gentle care is required,
__ but God is glorified as futile minds are renewed and lives are transformed.

Where there are no weak members of the church, not as much patience is necessary,
__ but the entire body is strengthened when the weaker are treated as indispensable.

Where there are no needy people, there are fewer demands on our time and resources,
__ but pure and undefiled religion involves compassionate care for the least among us.

Where there are no lost people, the time for evangelistic efforts is over,
__ but precious souls are persuaded by those who know the fear of the Lord.

This sermon was delivered on March 9, 2014.

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