Around the Web (4/23)

  • Tim Challies takes a critical look at John Hagee’s new book and asks, “What do we do with a book like Four Blood Moons? I say we ignore it. Let me give four reasons.”
  • Dene Ward writes, “If you are a shepherd of the Lord’s flock, take note of a man who knew what being a spiritual leader was all about.”
  • Matthew Bassford reflects on Galatians 3:6 and what it means to be an heir of faith.
  • Gary Henry asserts, “We won’t make much headway overcoming sin until we admit our personal sinfulness. Yet it’s the modern trend to downplay the individual sinner’s responsibility for his wrongdoing.”
  • Roger Shouse ponders 1 Corinthians 11:18. “When we come together. What a unique thought that is. We come, from different directions. We come, in different sizes. We come, with different things floating through our minds and hearts. We come. We come because of Jesus.”

When a Good Thing Becomes a Ruling Thing

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