Around the Web (3/31)

  • Albert Mohler reviews Darren Aronofsky’s new film, Noah. One of his conclusions? “Our response to Noah should not be castigation and cultural outrage, but rather a sober realization that the story is ours to tell, and to tell faithfully.”
  • The Columbus Dispatch carried this headline yesterday: Millennial generation eager to work, ‘but on their terms’
  • Tim Jennings explores the key to wise living from Proverbs and offers a few things that “the fear of the LORD” will cause us to do.
  • Roger Shouse draws some practical lessons from Luke 16:24. “What a lesson for us! We can so easily walk in the footsteps of the rich man. No time for others. Don’t want to get involved with others. Some have problems that are too complex and too messy. We close the door of our hearts, and our homes and simply do not think about others. Yet the time comes when we are in the same need.”
  • Matthew Bassford reflects on 2 John 1:10-11 and reminds us, “Today, we must not shy away from similarly strong words and strong actions when we encounter false doctrine.  Our responsibility to speak the truth in love does not make us any less responsible for defending the truth in the first place.”


An overview of archaeological evidence for Biblical figures, via

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