Around the Web (2/11)

  • As a follow-up to yesterday’s link (seven ways a wife injures a husband… without even knowing it), Ron Edmonson also takes a look at seven ways a husband injures a wife… without even knowing it).
  • The Dead Sea Scrolls go digital with an online archive at the tip of your finger. In the words of General Director Shuka Dorfman of the Israel Antiques Authority, “We have succeeded in recruiting the best minds and technological means to preserve this unrivaled cultural heritage treasure which belongs to all of us, so that the public with a touch of the screen will be able to freely access history in its fullest glamour.”
  • “In that day the branch of the LORD shall be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the land shall be the pride and honor of the survivors of Israel” (Isa 4:2). Ferrell Jenkins helps us visualize this ancient prophesy.
  • “The LORD has made everything for its purpose, even the wicked for the day of trouble” (Pro 16:4). Dene Ward encourages us to “think about that for awhile. If I do not allow the Lord to use me for good, he will use me for evil instead. I cannot refuse to be used; it’s one or the other.”
  • Jon Acuff writes, “Sometimes, we don’t understand that when we say yes, we are saying no to the things that really matter.” He goes on to offer five ways of saying no.

When We Are Weak

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