Around the Web (1/7)

  • Kyle Pope provides some perspective: “Whether we are talking about the way we view others, or the way we view our own lives, far too often we are treating these flimsy little tents that God has given us for the few days of our lifetime as if they are mansions that will endure.”
  • Barry Britnell uses an “immovable” ladder in Jerusalem to get us thinking: “Do we have ladders in our life that should be moved, but due to our own arrogance they remain immovable?”
  • Roger Shouse writes, “However, the 508 I’m writing about is not good. In fact, it’s very bad. It is a sad commentary on how our country and the people of our country continue to slide rapidly away from God.”
  • In her final post of a series on wives Dene Ward reminds, “When you stand there in that beautiful white gown thinking this day is all about you, remember Who Else you are making a vow to.”
  • In The New York Times, Mohsin Hamid explores how e-books change the reading experience.
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