Around the Web (1/22)

  • “One of the greatest temptations we encounter is to take the things that God has given us, and re-make them into our own image.” David McClister emphasizes the importance of keeping the original image intact.
  • Edwin Crozier asks, “Why aren’t we worried about a Sadducaic influence the same way we are a Pharisaic one? I am increasingly afraid that we are so concerned about the leaven of all the potential Pharisees out there, that we are letting the leaven of all the potential Sadducees slip by unnoticed.”
  • Tim Challies warns against six deadly enemies of marriage. “Marriage is from God, about God, to God, and for God, so we neglect God at our peril.”
  • Doy Moyer encourages us not to miss the bigger picture of Scripture. “While there are difficult phrases and ideas in Scripture, our first step ought to be to zoom out, not in. Back up and take a look at the entire scenery.”
  • Ever wanted to get a paper copy of the titles in your ever-expanding Kindle library? Here’s your solution.

Unless the Lord Builds the House

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