
ESV 2007 Text Edition & Study Bible

I recently discovered that the ESV underwent a revision in 2007. While there is not a note indicating such on the spine or cover of these new Bibles, the Copyright page of the newest editions does indicate ESV Text Edition: 2007.

If you’re interested in comparing the original (2001) with the revision, check out…

* The Pentateuch
* Joshua – Esther
* Job – Song of Solomon
* Isaiah – Malachi
* Matthew – Acts
* Romans – Philemon
* Hebrews – Revelation

…via Rick Mansfield.

If you use the Libronix Digital Library System (which comes free on CD with the purchase of most ESV bibles) as a way to integrate the ESV text into a word processor or PowerPoint, you can go here to update your software to the 2007 edition.

Also, I’ve heard some ESV users ask about the possibility of a Study Bible. That wait is over in October 2008. The website already provides a wealth of information and sample pages, so check it out if you’re so inclined.


  1. Jason, first of all, thanks for the new blog. I forward your articles to several in the congregation here on a fairly regular basis. Second, the first edition of the ESV to include the updated text was the reverse-interlinear that was published Sept. 21, 2006. The first “regular” edition of the ESV to feature the updated text was the Center Column Reference Edition that was published in Jan. 2007. Third, a single list of the changes in the text can be found at (an excellent site, btw). And fourth, I have yet to find a list of the changes made to the footnotes, and specifically the translator notes. I first came across a change while studying 1 Cor. 11.2-16. In the updated editions they added a translator note to the word “wife” in v. 5 that reads: “In verses 5-13, the Greek word “gune” is translated “wife” in verses that deal with wearing a veil, a sign of being married in first-century culture.” I’d be interested in find a list of the changes in the footnotes if you come across one. Thanks again. Take care.

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